Invoicing rules

Purchase Orders

  • Purchase Orders are required for all invoiced third-party expenditure incurred by Lhoist. Suppliers should not accept any order or instruction for delivery of goods or services from Lhoist without being given a related Purchase Order number. Exceptions may be possible and will be identified on a case-by-case basis.
  • Purchase Order numbers should be referenced on all your invoices, delivery notes and related correspondence. Invoices without Purchase Order number will be placed on hold until a valid Purchase Order number is provided, and deliveries of goods or services without a valid Purchase Order will be refused. This may result in payments being delayed until the invoice is corrected with the required information.

Credit Notes

Credit Notes should mention the specific invoice being corrected and should include the same information as the invoice they are related to.


  • The use of electronic invoices in pdf is preferred and encouraged. If your company generates electronic invoices, these should be sent by email to the email address related to the Lhoist legal entity you are invoicing. This address is referred on each purchase orders.
    • If you are not generating electronic invoices, original documents should be sent by mail to the legal entity mentioned on the purchase order.
  • To ensure timely processing of your invoices:
    • Invoices should only include one Purchase Order number. If an invoice includes items from multiple Purchase Orders, the invoice will be returned.
    • Invoices must be aligned with the data provided on the Purchase Order i.e.
      • Same Lhoist Company as the Purchase Order
      • Same currency as stated on the Purchase order
      • Whenever possible, invoice lines must reference the corresponding PO line number.
    • In addition, for electronic pdf invoices:
      • Each invoice should be a separate pdf document
      • Emails should only include one invoice and should not include any other attachments (e.g. signatures)
      • Email subject should start by Invoice / Facture / Faktuur / Rekening / Rechnung / etc.


For the identified exceptions for which no Purchase Order was issued, the complete email address of the Lhoist person requesting the service/goods needs to be clearly stated on the invoice. If you do not have the email address, the full name of the Lhoist person should be mentioned. If this information is missing, the invoice will be placed on hold until this information is provided. This may result in payment being delayed.

Naturally, all invoices submitted – paper of electronic pdf – must respect the legal requirements. In case information legally required is missing, the invoice will be refused and a new invoice, respecting all legal information needs to be issued.

Please note that there are no changes in terms of delivery locations. Goods and services ordered should continue to be delivered to the Lhoist location mentioned on the PO or in the communication exchanged with you in case of non PO exceptions.


Lhoist Account Payable & Procurement