Women in Mining program, Lhoist Latin America


several women in PPE in plant in Brazil

Women in Mining Brazil

Our Latin American division launched a program aiming at fostering an inclusive environment, raising awareness of the challenges women are facing in the mining industry, and providing development opportunities. Part of the program was the participation of our colleagues in “Women in Mining Brazil”, a partnership with the Mining Hub. 

The actions carried out included production of training, workshops and webinars, special women's month campaign, production of informative content and awareness, coffee training leaders among other actions.

The project was awarded with the Lhoist Sustainability award in 2021

Women in Mining is a project that understands the needs to create an active structure committed to Gender Equality, providing an increasingly inclusive environment. The actions aim to raise awareness and engagement of all employees on this agenda, as well as promoting diversity, equity and inclusion.  

The women in mining program was awarded a Lhoist Sustainability award in 2021. 

Date of publication 04.03.24